Wednesday, June 1, 2011

bebelan pagi buta

"If he wanted to be with you, he would. If he wanted to call you, he would. If he wanted to talk to you, he would"
i made this as note to myself
so true, i guess
this note make me realize that sometimes i am too "terhegeh-hegeh"
kiranya ni untuk prevent me to be so la
i found it in twitter
yes, i am now a twitter freak
facebook is the place where i see what's happening among my friends
wall already been locked
sorry guys
need to
J.K bak kata Nabil RajaLawak
u guys know where to find me kan
walau sebenarnya takde sape pun nak cari, HAHA
ouh semua sibuk attend event on this 17 JUNE
aku malas nak click sebab nanti kantoi dengan ibu
okay till then
au revoir.