Monday, June 29, 2009

aku pon tak tahu la!!!!!

aku tak tahu kenapa dengan aku
tapi aku rasa sangat sedih

feel like C.R.Y.I.N.G

mungkin aku rindu seseorang
tapi siapa??
entah kenapa aku rasa sunyi sangat

air mata aku ley tumpah bila-bila masa je
kalau tengok movie hindustan confirm nangis ah (aku sangat jarang menangis pabila melihat movie hindustan)
i should feel happy rite now
cos ibu baru lepas belanja
what's wrong wif me!

do i miss him? no i guess

really need to talk to somebody
to let go this sadness- that fill up my heart
siapa ye? everybody is away

guess i have no friend to talk to- crap!
malam ni aku tido without letting go all problems~